As devoted and driven teachers, we are passionate about feeding the curiosity of our young ones. Our goal is to create an environment in which both students and parents can feel confident in our ability to care for our client population.
Our play-based curriculum provides children with the freedom to have fun while discovering and exploring the world and their individual interests. With children’s minds expanding at such a rapid pace during the formative years of life, incorporating play to grow their imaginations benefits the overall brain development of our little ones.
From birth to age three are the most important years in a child's development. Kids learn best through doing, which is why play is our central focus. Pretend-play or “make-believe” is crucial to understanding social norms. As kids pretend to be astronauts, chefs, doctors, and more, they are exploring various roles they see in the real world. Focusing on play allows children to learn from one another, gaining social skills, as they learn more about themselves.